Arkansas Tree Database

Southern Catalpa

Southern Catalpa

Scientific name:

Catalpa Bignonioides


50' tall


whorled (3 at each node) or opposite, simple, 4"-9" long and heart-shaped, untoothed, of unpleasant odor when crushed


large white bell-shaped flowers, with two yellow spots and numerous small purple stripes and spots in throat, with upper lip 2-lobed and lower lip 3-lobed, in large terminal panicles; May-June, 2-3 weeks later than northern catalpa


long slender persistent pods releasing seeds in spring

Fall Interest:

yellow; deciduous


sun; deep, relatively moist soil


catalpa sphinx moth caterpillars, a favorite bait


large property or park, windbreak; wood in contact with the ground extremely resistant to rot, has been used for posts and rails



flowers about two weeks later than northern catalpa; southern catalpa was listed in the plant trade as early as 1720; native to southeastern US and brought to Arkansas


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Southern catalpa bark Southern catalpa flowers in cluster Southern catalpa flower Southern catalpa flower, panicle arrangment Southern catalpa leaves, showing whorled arrangement Southern catalpa leaf, upper side Southern catalpa leaves with flower panicle in bud Southern catalpa leaf, underside Southern catalpa leaf, upper side, 4"-9" long Southern catalpa seed pod Southern catalpa stem arrangement Southern catalpa stem arrangement Southern catalpa tree habit Southern catalpa tree in bloom Southern catalpa tree in bloom Southern catalpa tree habit, winter